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-->Applies to: Azure Information Protection, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012
If you have Windows 7 or Office 2010, see AIP and legacy Windows and Office versions.
Relevant for: AIP unified labeling client only.
This article describes the new features available for the unified labeling client, as well as servicing information and support timelines for each AIP unified client version.
You can download the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client from the Microsoft Download Center.
After a short delay of typically four weeks, the latest general availability version is also included in the Microsoft Update Catalog. Azure Information Protection versions have a product name of Microsoft Azure Information Protection > Microsoft Azure Information Protection Unified Labeling Client, and a classification of Updates.
Including Azure Information Protection in the catalog means that you can upgrade the client using WSUS or Configuration Manager, or other software deployment mechanisms that use Microsoft Update.
For more information, see Upgrading and maintaining the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client.
Servicing information and timelines
Each general availability (GA) version of the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client is supported for up to six months after the release of the subsequent GA version. The documentation does not include information about unsupported versions of the client. Fixes and new functionality are always applied to the latest GA version and will not be applied to older GA versions.
General availability versions that are no longer supported
Client version | Date released |
---|---| | 09/22/2020 | | 08/23/2020 | | 07/20/2020 | | 06/29/2020 | | 03/09/2020 | | 10/23/2019 | | 09/03/2019 | | 08/06/2019 | | 07/15/2019 |
2.0.779.0 | 05/01/2019 |
2.0.778.0 | 04/16/2019 |
The date format used on this page is month/day/year.
Release information
Use the following information to see what's new or changed for a supported release of the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client for Windows. The most current release is listed first. The date format used on this page is month/day/year.
Noted Azure Information Protection features are currently in PREVIEW. The Azure Preview Supplemental Terms include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.
W3dr Latest Version 2020
Minor fixes are not always listed so if you experience a problem with the unified labeling client, we recommend that you check whether it is fixed with the latest GA release. If the problem remains, check the current preview version (if available).
For technical support, see the Support options and community resources information. We also invite you to engage with the Azure Information Protection team, on their Yammer site.
The unified labeling client replaces the Azure Information Protection classic client. To compare features and functionality with the classic client, see Compare the labeling solutions for Windows computers.
Unified labeling scanner and client version
Released 08/02/2021
This version includes the following new features, fixes, and enhancements for the unified labeling scanner and client:
Support for DKE labels with user-defined permissions
This version of the unified labeling client and scanner supports DKE labels with user-defined permissions in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
For more information, see Azure Information Protection tenant keys and Double Key Encryption for Microsoft 365.
Client usage logging in the Windows event log
The unified labeling client now logs user activity to the local Windows event log.
AIP scanner: General availability support for DLP policies
Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies are now supported with the Azure Information Protection unified labeling scanner directly in the main installation instead of a dedicated version only.
Using a DLP policy enables the scanner to detect potential data leaks by matching DLP rules to files stored in file shares and SharePoint Server.
Enable DLP rules in your content scan job to reduce the exposure of any files that match your DLP policies.
The scanner may reduce file access to data owners only, or reduce exposure to network-wide groups, such as Everyone, Authenticated Users, or Domain Users.
Scanning your files with DLP rules enabled also creates file permission reports. Query these reports to investigate specific file exposures or explore the exposure of a specific user to scanned files.
Settings for enforcing or testing the DLP policy are configured in the Microsoft 365 Compliance center.
For more information, including licensing requirements, see:
- Learn about the Microsoft 365 data loss prevention on-premises scanner, in the Microsoft 365 documentation
Fixes and improvements
Fixes for errors where AIP may not load if a policy fails to parse parsing. Fix provided by updates to the Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK.
Fixed possibly incorrect method values in New label audit logs for Outlook events.
Fixes for possibly incorrect label and labelBefore values in Change protection audit logs.
Fixes for errors where documents may not be saved because of edits made in the labeling metadata and lack of permissions.
Fixes for possible crashes when running PowerShell cmdlets. Fix provided by updates to the Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK.
Fixed errors where justification popup messages may not appear in Outlook.
Fixed errors where the AIP add-in in Outlook may cause an error message to appear, if a message file that was saved locally was opened, closed, and then opened again.
Fixed errors where visual markings may not be refreshed as expected after changing a file's label to a label with no content markings.
Fixed errors where audit logs may not be sent when a default label is applied to a document.
Fixed issues for content markings in Outlook may be duplicated.
Fixed issues where deferred messages may not be sent in Outlook when a deferral rule set is defined and the AIP client is installed.
Fixed issues where customized Outlook popup messages may not display correctly when an image is found in the email signature.
Fixed issues where Change protection audit logs may not be sent as expected when a label is removed in Outlook.
Unified labeling scanner and client version
Supported through 02/08/2022
Released 04/29/2021
Version is identical to version Due to an issue in our software packaging system, we needed to repackage this version and provide an updated version number. Users who've installed version can be assured that have a fully supported and functional version.
This version includes the following new features, fixes, and enhancements for the unified labeling scanner and client:
Scanner usage logging in the Windows event log
The unified labeling scanner now logs user activity to the local Windows event log.
For more information, see Usage logging for the Azure Information Protection scanner.
Scanner diagnostics tool improvements
With the upgrade to version, running the Start-AIPScannerDiagnostics cmdlet with the Verbose parameter prints the last 10 errors from the scanner log.
To print more or fewer errors, use the new VerboseErrorCount parameter to define the number of errors you want to print.
For more information, see Troubleshooting using the scanner diagnostic tool.
Improved scanner details output
W3dr Latest Version Windows 10
The unified labeling on-premises scanner has improved outputs for the following cmdlets:
Cmdlet | Improvement |
Get-AIPScannerStatus | Previously, running the Get-AIPScannerStatus command provided only high-level details of the scanner cluster status, without details per node in your cluster. Now, you can use the NodesInfo variable and the Verbose parameter to drill down into additional levels of detail for each node. For more information, see the Verify scanning details per scanner node and repository. |
Get-AIPScannerConfiguration | Running the Get-AIPScannerConfiguration now provides details about the current scanner configuration in addition to the online configuration settings. |
Updates for the scanner's supported information types
Beginning with version, the following sensitive information types are not scanned by the unified labeling scanner.
If you have sensitivity labels that use these sensitive information types, we recommend that you remove them.
- EU Phone Number
- EU GPS Coordinates

Fixes and improvements (
The following fixes were delivered in version of the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client and scanner:
Improvements in loading time for the AIP add-in in Office apps.
Fixed issues in Outlook where protection wasn't removed when the label was removed, in some edge cases.
The PowerPointRemoveAllShapesByShapeName advanced setting no longer requires that you also define the ExternalContentMarkingToRemove setting. Now you can define the PowerPointRemoveAllShapesByShapeName advanced setting on its own.
Fixed an issue where an empty option would appear on customized Outlook popup messages when only two options for the user to select were configured for the popup message.
Fixed issues for opening protected .jt files in the AIP Viewer app.
Size limits for protecting files using the File Explorer and PowerShell are now updated.
Fixed issues in parsing sensitivity label policies.
Version for co-authoring (Public preview)
Unified labeling client version
Release 03/02/2021
This dedicated version of Azure Information Protection provides a public preview of co-authoring features newly supported in Microsoft 365.
Co-authoring for Office apps enables multiple users to edit documents that are labeled and encrypted by sensitivity labels.
To leverage the co-authoring features in public preview, you must download and install the dedicated installation file for this release. On the Microsoft download site, download and install the AzInfoProtection_2.10.46_CoAuthoring_PublicPreview.exe
Your system must also comply with the version requirements listed in the Microsoft 365 prerequisites for co-authoring.
Before you start, we recommend that you review all related prerequisites and limitations. For more information, see:
- Enable co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels in the Microsoft 365 documentation.
Unified labeling scanner and client version
Released 02/08/2021
Supported through 10/29/2021
Fixed issues
Users are now able to view protected files as expected in the following scenarios:
When protected files are shared with users who don’t have an AIP policy configured, such as external users. This issue had occurred only with the AIP Viewer app.
When content with a scoped label is shared with users or groups not included in the label's scope. This issue had occurred both with the AIP Viewer app and when viewing or classifying the shared content via the File Explorer.
For more information, see the AIP unified labeling client user guide.
Unified labeling scanner and client version
Released 01/13/2021
Supported through 08/08/2021
W3dr Latest Version Free
This version includes the following new features, fixes, and enhancements for the unified labeling scanner and client:
New features for the scanner:
- Support for NFS repositories in content scan jobs (Public preview)
New features for the client:
Fixes and improvements:
PowerShell support for disconnected scanner servers
The Azure Information Protection on-premises scanner now supports managing content scan jobs over PowerShell, for scanner servers that cannot connect to the internet, or for scanners in an Azure China 21Vianet environment (China sovereign cloud).
To support disconnected or Azure China 21Vianet scanner servers, we've added the following new cmdlets:
Cmdlet | Description |
Add-AIPScannerRepository | Adds a new repository to your content scan job. |
Get-AIPScannerContentScanJob | Gets details about your content scan job. |
Get-AIPScannerRepository | Gets details about repositories defined for your content scan job. |
Remove-AIPScannerContentScanJob | Deletes your content scan job. |
Remove-AIPScannerRepository | Removes a repository from your content scan job. |
Set-AIPScannerContentScanJob | Defines settings for your content scan job. |
Set-AIPScannerRepository | Defines settings for an existing repository in your content scan job. |
The Set-MIPNetworkDiscovery cmdlet was also added to provide additional support, enabling you to update the installation settings for the Network Discovery service via PowerShell.
For more information, see When the scanner server cannot have internet connectivity and Configure the scanner.

Support for NFS repositories in content scan jobs (Public preview)
Now you can add NFS repositories to your content scan jobs, in addition to SMB file shares and SharePoint repositories.
To support scans on NFS shares, services for NFS must be deployed on the scanner machine:
On your machine, navigate to the Windows Features (Turn Windows features on or off) settings dialog.
Select the following items:
- Services for NFS
- Administrative Tools
- Client for NFS
- Services for NFS
For more information, see Create a content scan job.
Added support for additional sensitive information types
We’ve added support for additional sensitive information types in Azure Information Protection, such as Australia business number, Australia company number, or Austria identity card.
For more information, see the Sensitive information type entity definitions in the Microsoft 365 documentation.
Track document access and revoke access
After you've upgraded to version, any protected Office documents that are not yet registered for tracking are registered the next time they're opened on a machine with the AIP unified labeling client installed. Protected documents are supported for track and revoke, even if they are not labeled.
Having your documents registered for tracking enables administrators to use PowerShell to track document access, and revoke access if needed.
After you've upgraded, end-users can also revoke access for documents that they've protected. To revoke access from Microsoft Office apps, use the new Revoke access option on the Sensitivity menu.
W3dr Latest Version
For more information, see:
If you have privacy requirements in your organization or region that require you to turn off document tracking features, see the track and revoke administrator procedures.
Track and revoke features are supported for Office file types only, and not for other file types, such as images or PDFs.
Upgrades from the classic client
The AIP classic client supports track and revoke features using the Microsoft tracking portal. This tracking portal is not relevant when working with the unified labeling client.
To view tracking data with the unified labeling client, use the PowerShell commands only, as described in the admin guide.
Fixes and improvements for the unified labeling scanner - version
The following fixes were delivered in version of the Azure Information Protection unified labeling scanner:
- Added support for hyphens (-) in scanner database names
- Updates in reports for when the Label files based on content option is set to Off
- Improved memory consumption for large numbers of information type matches
- Support for SharePoint on-premises paths that end in a slash (/)
- Increased SharePoint scanning speed
- Support for avoiding a timeout when scanning a SharePoint server.

Fixes and improvements for the unified labeling client - version
Issues fixed for labeling on emails from Office MSI, such as when replying to or forwarding an email.
NewLabel audit log events now include the action source, for events generated by emails sent from Outlook.
Issues fixed where the policy was sometimes not updated without clearing the cache, after making changes to the label policy in Microsoft 365.
Outlook Preview mode now generates audit logs for discovery events
Recommended labels and visual marking are applied as expected in Outlook.
Added support for finding recipients in Outlook distribution lists, such as when OutlookBlockTrustedDomains and OutlookBlockUntrustedCollaborationLabel settings are configured.
When turning on this functionality, we recommend that you also raise the default timeout value, as defined in the OutlookGetEmailAddressesTimeOutMSProperty setting.
Updates to the order of precedence used when more than one label policy is configured for a user, each with conflicting advanced settings.
In such cases, the advanced settings from the first policy are always applied, according to the order of the policies in the Microsoft 365 compliance center. The exception for the OutlookDefaultLabel is now removed.
In a scenario where %APPDATA% (AppDataRoaming) points to a non-default Windows folder structure, files in folders that are mapped to user directories are now excluded from labeling and protection as expected, based on the configuration.
New advanced client setting (PowerPointRemoveAllShapesByShapeName), added to remove shapes from PowerPoint headers or footers, by using the shape name instead of the text inside a shape.
Next steps
Not sure if unified labeling is the right client to install? See Choose your Windows labeling solution.
For more information about installing and using the unified labeling client:
- For users: Download and install the client
- For admins: Azure Information Protection unified labeling client administrator guide
For information about new features in the Microsoft 365 compliance center, see: