Soal Listening Kelas 11 Semester 2

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Pagi ceria sahabat-sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris ), how are you today? It is wonderful ……
Ada yang beda nih pada postingan kali ini. Saya mencoba untuk berbagi pengetahuan mengenai RPP ( Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ) atau dalam bahasa Inggris di kenal dengan “ Lesson Plan “… Buat sahabat SBI yang butuh references berupa contoh RPP, yuk di pelajari pada artikel berikut ini !

[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class II” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ……………………..
Subject : English
Class : XI
Semester : II
Allocation Time :1 x 20 minutes

Standard of Competence


Understanding the oral form of narrative monolouge text, spoof and horatory exposition accurately, smoothly, and thanked in the context of everyday life and acces to knowledge.

Basic Competence

Responding to the meaning of the text using variety of simple monolouge spoken language accurately, fluently and accaptable in text form : narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition.


  1. Responding monolouge discourse narrative
  2. Answering question from the narrative text which was read.

Instructional Objectives

After following the instructional student can:

  1. Responding monologue discourse narrative.
  2. Answering the questions from the narrative text which was read.

Summary of matterials


Theme : telling story.
Skill : listening


Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

The generic structure of Narrative text :

Orientation :
It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).

Complication :
Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them.

Resolution :
The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.

Re-orientation :
The ending of the story.

Evaluation :
The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral message of the story

Linguistic features :

  1. Use active verbs.
  2. Use past tense.
  3. Use conjunction.
  4. The first person (I or We) or the third person (He, She, or They).
  5. Use specific nouns.
  6. Use adjective and adverbs

The smartest animal

Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his buffalo.
One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. The tiger wanted to know more about the big animal and the small animal.
After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo; “you are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you?” The buffalo answered; “oh, the man is very intelligent”.
The tiger asked; “can you tell me how intelligent he is?”. “No, I can’t tell you”, said the buffalo; “but you can ask him”
So the next day the tiger asked to the man; “Can I see your intelligence?”. But the man answered; “it at home”. “Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”
After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough and hit the tiger. Then he said; “Now you know about my intelligence even you haven’t seen it.

Time Allocation

  1. Pre –activities : 5 minutes
  2. Whilst : 10 minutes
  3. Post activities : 5 minutes

Instructional Methods

Learning method : three-phrase teqhnique (pre-reading, whilst reading, post reading)

Leaning Activities

Pre Activities

  1. Greeting the students
  2. Asking condinition of students
  3. Doing aprreception

Whilst Activities

  1. The teacher explains about the matterials
  2. The students reads text
  3. The students listen from the narrative text was read
  4. The students answer the question
  5. The teacher give students score

Post Activities

  1. The teacher asks whatever the students have problem in teaching learning process
  2. The teacher makes a conclusion about material
  3. The teacher closes the lesson

Source and Matterials

  1. Copy of matterials
  2. Speaker
  3. Book a package Erlangga (Look a Head 2)


  1. The true answer of the work sheet :5 x 20 =100
  2. Maximal value = 100
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master




Soal listening kelas 11 semester 2 apex


[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class II (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ………………………
Subject : English
Class/Semester : X1/(1) Odd
Allocation time : 1 x 20 minutes

Standard of competence :

Understanding the meaning of the conversation transactional/interpersonal formally in the context of daily life. Reveals the meaning of the monologue in the form of spoof accurately, smoothly, and acceptable in the context of daily life and to access of science.

Basic of competence :

Responds the meaning of the text using a various simple monologue oral language accurately, fluently and acceptable in text form: spoof. Reveals the meaning of the text accurately, smoothly and grateful that use different languages spoken in the form: spoof.

Indicator :

  1. Read word, phrase and sentence with the correct spell based on the spoof text.
  2. Reading the spoof text loudly and carefully.

Kind of text : Spoof

Theme : Telling Funny Stories

Skill : Reading

The purpose of learning :

  1. Student’s pronunciation is correct in read the text.
  2. Read the spoof text loudly and carefully.

The material :

Read the story.

New Baby

A woman is sitting at home entertaining her parents who have come around to congratulate her on the birth of their first grandchild.

“So, when can we see the baby?”, asks the grandmother.

“In a little while”, replies the mother.

Some time passes. The grandparents are looking quite anxious at this point.

“So, when can we see the baby?”, asks the grandfather.

“When the baby starts crying.”, replies the mother. The grandparents turn to look at each other, a little perplexed and ask, ”Why do we have to wait until she starts crying?!”

The mother snaps back, “Because I put her down somewhere this morning and I can’t remember where she is!”

Learning method/teaching : Observation
Learning Activities :

Pre-activity (2 minutes)

  • Greeting class
  • Checking students
  • Doing apperception

Post-activity (14 minutes)

  • Teacher explains about the material to the students.
  • Teacher gives example to read the text and after she read one sentence the students follow her.
  • Teacher asks the students to read the text in front of class.
  • Teacher corrects student’s spelling.
  • Teacher gives a question to the students.

Final activity (4 minutes)

  • Teacher gives flesh-back about the material.
  • Concluding the material.
  • Teacher closes the lesson.

Source : Look Ahead an English Course

Tools : Papers, relevant book (Look Ahead an English Course)

Scoring :

  1. Techniques
    • Oral test
  2. Type
    • Oral responding

The method of scoring : The total maximal score is 100

The column of scoring :
Standard of each Element :Soal listening kelas 11 semester 2 beserta jawaban
Very good16-20
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class III (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA………………………………..
Subject : English
Class/Semester : XII/I
Allocation time : 2 X 45 minutes
Standard of Competence : Writing

Expressing the meaning in writing the short functional text and simple essay of report in the daily life.

Basic of competence :

Expressing the meaning in short functional text, formal and informal with using language manner in accurate, fluent, being received in the context of daily life.

Indicator :

  1. Using accurate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation mark, spelling and the role of writing text report.
  2. Produce text in form of narrative.

Theme : Tell me about it

Skill : Writing

The purpose of learning:

After the following of the instructional the students can:

  1. Using accurate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation mark, spelling and the role of writing text report.
  2. Produce text in form of report.

The material of learning:


  • Purpose: To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural such as man-made animals, plants and social phenomena in our live.
  • Generic Structure:
    • General Classification; tells what the phenomenon under discussion is. And introduces the topic of the report such as the class or sub-class.
    • Identification or Description; tells what the phenomenon under discussion is. Like in terms of (1) parts, (2) qualities, (3) habits or behavior.
    • Language Features;
    • The use of general nouns (e.g.: reptiles, orchids)
    • The use of relating verbs (e.g.: is, are, has)
    • The use of present tense, it uses to explains something generally (e.g.: Komodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg)
    • The use of behavioral verbs (e.g.: Snakes often sunbathe in the sun)
    • The use of technical terms (e.g.: water contains oxygen and hydrogen)
    • The use of topic sentence to arrange some of information.
  • The example of repot text


Crocodiles are rather ‘lizard-like’. They have long tails and the climbs are short and straddled sideways. Crocodiles belong to reptiles. The elongated crocodiles are probably the most distinctive features. The head is typically one-seventh the total body length of and the species has a narrow or broad snout.

Crocodiles have a ‘minimum exposure’ posture in water, in which only the eyes, ears and nostrils lie above the water’s surface. This ‘minimum exposure’ posture has obviously been important to crocodiles throughout their evolution.

(Taken From: Look Ahead 2 for Senior High School Students).

  • The questions
    Make your report base on the picture and clue below minimum five sentences!
    • What is it?
    • Where you can find it?
    • Mention parts of body!
    • Habit or behavior

Learning method: Three-phase technique (Pre-writing, Whilst writing, Post writing).

Activities steps:

Pre activities

  1. Greeting class
  2. Praying, asking the students condition and checking the attendance list.
  3. Doing apperception.

Whilst activities

  1. Teacher explains about the material.
  2. Teacher gives an example about text report.
  3. Teacher asks students to make groups. Every group consists of two students.
  4. Teacher gives exercise in group.
  5. Teacher asks students to take the paper sheet work in front of the class.
  6. Teacher asks the students to do their exercise on their paper with their partner.
  7. Teacher supervises the students work.
  8. Teacher asks some of students to write their work in the white board.
  9. Teacher checks students’ work together.
  10. Teacher asks the students to submit their work.

Closing activities

  1. Teacher and the students discuss about difficulties while learning process.
  2. Teacher gives feedback about the material.
  3. Teacher gives homework.
  4. Teacher closes the lesson.

Material: Expressing Permission

Source : Look Ahead

Tools: Picture and copy sheet work, board marker, relevant book (Look Ahead)


  • Technique : writing test
  • Type : Writing Practice

The method of scoring: The total maximal score is 100

The column of scoring:
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class III (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ………………………………………….
Subject : English
Class/semester : XII/1
Time : 2 X 45
Meeting : The First Meeting
Skills : Reading

Standard Competence : 4. Understanding the functional meaning of the text short and simple form of report, essay, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of everyday life and to access knowledge

Basic Competence : 5.1 Responding to the meaning in the short functional text official and unofficial variety of written language that uses an accurate, current and acceptable in the context of daily life

Theme : passive voice

The Purpose of Instructional

  1. Reading aloud
  2. Identification type of sentence

The material of instructional

Form of Passive

S + to be + V3/ Past Participle

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

  • The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
  • The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + V3/ past participle)
  • The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

Method : Reading Ability

  • Media : Paper
  • Activity steps
NoStudy activityTimes
1Pre activity
  • Greeting
  • Checking the students’ attendance
  • Prey together
  • Giving motivation


2Whiles activity
  • The teacher explain material of passive voice
  • The teacher give evaluation to the students
  • The teacher and students answer together
  • The teacher beg the students to read the text of evaluation in front of class


3Past activity
  • The teacher ask difficulty during learning processes
  • The teacher and the students make concluding together
  • Greeting



  • Type : Reading text
  • Instrument : Reading

Feel in the blanks by changing the verb in brackets into the correct from of passive

A volcano is a mountain which (1. From) by the eruption of material from the earth’s interior through a central opening or groups of openings. Volcanoes (2. Scatter) over the world. Volcanoes (3. Can divide) into three categories based on volcano form and type of volcanic activity. They are Shield, Composite, and Explosion volcanoes.

A shield volcano (4. Build) chiefly of layers of basalt (a dark, heavy lava). A few shield volcanoes (5. Compose) of and sate (a related, less dense type of lava).

A composite volcano has more frequent and violent explosive eruptions than shield volcanoes do. Lava (6. May extrude) from either central crater of fissures on a volcano’s sides.

Explosion volcanoes (7. Compose) of inclined layers of pyroclastic debris and contain no lava. During an eruption, debris (8. Eject) from the crater. Most explosion volcanoes (9. Build) during one period of eruption.


  1. Is formed
  2. Are scattered
  3. Can be divided
  4. Is built
  5. Are composed
  6. May be extruded
  7. Are composed
  8. Is ejected
  9. Are built

Source/material : Look a head 2

Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class II (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ………………………………………..
Subject : English.
Class/Semester : XI / 1.

Competence default : Expressing the meaning of very simple transactional conversations and interpersonal to make interaction with the closest environment.

Competence basic : Respond purpose in transactional and interpersonal conversation using simple area language , accurate, fluently manner and the topic to interest with approach area that involved speech act in the all day existence context.

Indicator :

  1. Knowing about a Funny Stories.
  2. Practicing of Telling a Funny Stories.

Theme : Telling a Funny Stories.

Aspect / Skill : Speaking.

Time allocation : 1 x 20 minutes.

Learning Target :

At the early learning, student can:

  1. Students can know what is a Funny stories.
  2. Students can practice about Telling a Funny stories

Learning material :

a.Communication Practice :

  1. Interview a partner about a Funny stories.
  2. Report an information about a Funny stories.

b. Developing Oral Skill.

  1. Questionare and answer option.

Teaching method: TSI ( Three steps Interview ).
Activity steps : Pre activity ( 2 minutes ).

  1. Presence (reporting who are present and absent).
  2. Teacher ask to the students related about funny stories.
  3. Teacher giving information about funny stories.

Activity ( 14 minutes ).

  1. Teacher ask to students grape their partner in 2 people.
  2. Teacher gives a group some question.
  3. Students do interview a partner back and forth according the questions.
  4. Teacher ask to students report an interview in front of class

Post activity ( 4 minutes ).

  1. Teacher evaluating of students speaking monolog.
  2. Teacher gives feedback about the material.
  3. Questioning and answering the material that have not understood.
  4. Teacher closed the meeting.

Learned source :

Book : Erlangga Look a Head 2.

Estimation :

Instrument :

Teacher give information about funny stories is arranged in the generic structure of Orientation, Events, and Twist. Because of this Twist (an unpredictable ending), the story seems very funny. Take a look on the following example of spoof text!

One day Nasreddin had been invited to the dinner party. He went to the party by wearing old clothes. When he arrived in the party, nobody looked at him and nobody gave him a seat. He got no food in the party so he went home and change his clothes. Next he put on his best clothes. He wore his newest coat and went to the party again. The host at once got up and came to meet him. The host offered him the best table and gave him a good seat and served him the best food. Nasreddin sat and put off his coat. He put his coat and said; “Eat the food, Coat!” the hosts and guests were very surprised and asked Nasreddin; “What are doing?” Nasreddin replied calmly; “When I came here with my old clothes, nobody looked at me. Then I went home and put on my best clothes. I came back in my newest coat and you all give me this best food and drink. So, you give food to my coat instead of me”. Getting Nasreddin’s answer, they just shook the head.

Generic Structure Analysis :

  1. Orientation: one day, Nasreddin was invited to a dinner party
  2. Event 1: He was in the party with his old cloth
  3. Event 2: He was in the party with his best newest coat
  4. Twist: Among the hosts and guests, he asked his coat to eat the served food.
  • Do an Interview with a partner according this Question :
  1. What’s your name ?
  2. Where do you live ?
  3. What’s your hobby ?
  4. Can you tell me your funny stories ?
  5. How do you get a funny stories ?
  6. When do you get a funny stories ?
  7. Can you tell me your ambition after getting a funny stories ?
  8. Scorring :
  9. The method of scorring : The total maximal score is 100.
  10. The column of scorring :

Soal Listening Kelas 11 Semester 2 Ktsp

Standard of each Element :
Excellent21 – 25
Very Good16 – 20
Good11 – 15
Average6 – 10
Poor< 5
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class II (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ………………………………………………………
Subject : English
Class/Semester : XI (Eleventh) / I (Odd)
Allocation time : 1 x 20 minutes
Skill : Speaking

Standard of competence :

Expressing the meaning of very simple transactional and interpersonal conversation to make an interaction with the closest environment.

Basic of competence :

Respond purpose in transactional and interpersonal conversation using simple area language, accurate, fluently manner and the topic to interest with approach area that involved speech act in the all day existence context.

Indicator :

  • Expressing opinions of situation.
  • Expressing agreement about an opinion.

Learning target :

  • Students can Express opinions of situation.
  • Students can Express agreement about an opinion.

Learning Activity

Pre-activity (2 minutes)

  • Greeting class
  • Checking students
  • Giving description about the material

Post-activity (14 minutes)

  • Teacher gives explanation about the material.
  • Teacher divides class for three groups.
  • Teacher gives group lesson cards.
  • Students discuss their job.
  • Students present their opinion based the material.

Final activity (4 minutes)

  • Teacher gives supporting for the students’ jobs.
  • Teacher gives flesh-back about the material.
  • Teacher gives Homework.
  • Teacher closes the the meeting

Material : My city

Method : Discussion

Teacher makes some groups to discuss about the material. Teacher also monitors students when they are doing their discussion.

Tools : Marker, relevan book(Erlangga, 2007), LCD, Laptop, whiteboard.

scorring :

The method of scoring : The total maximal score is 100

The column of scoring :
Standard of each Element :
Very Good16-20

media : LCD, Laptop, lesson cards
instrument : Make your opinion base from the picture!
simple material: Erlangga, 2007, page 79

expressing opinions

asking other people’s opinions:

  • What do you think of ….
  • Is that right that ….
  • Do you think it’s going ….
  • How do you like ….
  • What’s your opini?

Expressing opinions :

  • In my opinion ….
  • I personally believe ….
  • I personally think ….
  • I think that ….
  • In my case ….
  • From my poin of view ….
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class I (I) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ………………………………………………..
Subject : English
Class/Semester : X (Tenth) / II
Allocation time : 2 x 45 minutes

Standard of competence :

  • Understanding the meaning of short functional texts and simple essay in recount, narrative and procedure in daily context and for accessing science.

Basic of competence :

  • Responding the meaning of simple short functional texts (like as: announcements, sponsor, invitation and etc.) formal and informal accurately, fluency and can be understood in daily context and for accessing science.
  • Responding the meaning and rhetorical steps of essay writing text accurately, fluency and can be understood in daily context and for accessing science in recount, narrative and procedure.

Indicator :

  • Understanding the meaning of functional text like as narrative.
  • Understanding the meaning and rhetorical steps of narrative essay writing.

Kind of Text : Fables

Theme : Telling Stories

Skill : Reading

The purpose oflearning : In the end of the activities, students be able to

  1. Understand the meaning of functional text like as narrative.
  2. Understand the meaning and rhetorical steps of narrative essay writing.

The material :


Once upon a time, there was a cat and a mouse. The cat’s mane was Tom and the mouse name’s was Jerry. They always fight everyday. (Orientation)

One day, Jerry took Tom’s cheese. Jerry bought the cheese quietly. Jerry did not aware if at that time Tom saw him. (Complication)

And then, Tom took a wood to strike Jerry. Jerry was so surprised. But, Jerry still could avoid and run away. (Complication)

After that, Tom put the wood and run to chase Jerry. Jerry run very fast. Both of them run around the yard.(Complication)

In the end, Jerry was so tired and Tom successed to chase Jerry. (Resolution)

Learning method/Teaching : There-phase technique (pre speaking, whilst speaking, post speaking)

Teaching Learning Activities :

Pre Activities

  • Greeting the students.
  • Praying, asking the students condition and checking the attendance list.
  • Doing apperception.

Content activity

  • Teacher explains about the material to the students.
  • Teacher divides students become three groups
  • Teacher gives some pictures and fables texts
  • Teacher asks student to read the texts
  • Teacher asks students to arrange the picture and the texts.
  • Teacher corrects every group’s result.
  • Teacher asks students to read the fable.

Closing activity

Soal Listening Kelas 11 Semester 2 Kls 8

  • Teacher and students discuss about the difficulties while learning process.
  • Concluding the material
  • Teacher gives homework.
  • Teacher closes the lesson.

Source : Look ahead

Scoring :

  1. Techniques
    • Oral test
  2. Type
    • Reading comprehension
    • Reading aloud



Once upon a time, there was a cat and a mouse. The cat’s mane was Tom and the mouse name’s was Jerry. They always fight everyday.

One day, Jerry took Tom’s cheese. Jerry bought the cheese quietly. Jerry did not aware if at that time Tom saw him.

And then, Tom took a wood to strike Jerry. Jerry was so surprised. But, Jerry still could avoid and run away.

After that, Tom put the wood and run to chase Jerry. Jerry run very fast. Both of them run around the yard.

In the end, Jerry was so tired and Tom successed to chase Jerry.

Base on the story above, please answer this question:

  1. What were the cat and mouse name?
  2. What did the cat take to strike the mouse?
  3. What did Jerry take from Tom?
  4. Where did they run?
  5. Did Tom success to chase Jerry?

The method of scoring : The total maximal score is 100

The column of scoring :
Standard of each Element :
Very Good16-20
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





[su_spoiler title=”Example Lesson Plan For SMA Class I (II) Odd” style=”fancy” icon=”caret”]

School : SMA ……………………………………………
Subject :English
Class/semester :XI/I
Allocation :1 x 15 minutes

Standard of competence :

Expressing the meaning in writing the sort functional text and simple essay of spoof in daily life context.

Basic of competence :

Expressing the meaning and step the rhetorical in essay with using language manner write in accurate and accept in everyday life context in text form of spoof.

Indicator :

Produce text in from of spoof Using noun and pronouns, and time connectives and conjunctions in delivery a report.

Summary of Materials: Writing

Theme : Spoof

Skill : Writing

The purpose of learning :

  1. Using noun and pronouns, time connectives and conjunctions to write the spoof text.
  2. Write the spoof text

The simple material:


Purpose :

To tell an event with a humorous twist.

Text organization:

  1. Orientation
  2. Event: This is the sequence of event that can be more than one.
  3. Twist: Something that is fun.

Language Features:

  1. The use of action verbs: walked, laughed, ran away.
  2. The use of connectives: first, then, finally.
  3. The use of adverbial phrases of time and place: in the garden, two days ago.
  4. The use of the simple past tense: he walked away from the village.

The example of spoof text

We Don’t Subscribe To Any Newspapers

Jack was a university student. He studied history. At the end of the year, his history professor failed him in examinations and was told to leave the university.

The next day, Jack’s father went to see the professor. He urged the professor to let Jack continue his studies the following year. “He’s a good boy,” said Jack’s father,” and if you give him a chance this time, I’m sure he will improve a lot next year”.

“No, no! That’s quite impossible!” replied the professor. “Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon died, and he could no to answer it”.

“Please, sir, give him another chance “, said Jack’s father, “you see, we don’t subscribe to any newspapers in our house, so none of use even knew that Napoleon was ill”.

The Questions

  1. Why did Jack have to leave the university?
  2. What did his father try to do?
  3. What was his father’s excuse for him?

Time Allocation

Pre-activities : 5 minutes

Whilst : 10 minutes

Post activities : 5 minutes

Instructional Methods

Learning methods: three-phrase technique (pre-writing, whilst writing, post writing)

Teaching Learning Activities:

Pre Activities

  1. Greeting the students.
  2. Praying together.
  3. Asking the students condition and the checking the attendance list.
  4. Doing apperception.


  1. Teacher explains about the material to the students.
  2. Teacher gives the copy material.
  3. The students make text spoof in letter.
  4. The teacher chooses randomly students to write their writing in the whiteboard.
  5. Teacher checks student work together.

Closing activity

  1. Teacher asks the students about material to day.
  2. Teacher makes a concluding about the material.
  3. Teacher gives homework
  4. Teacher closes the lesson.

Source : Book a package Erlangga (Look A Head)

Tools : Copy of the material,

Scoring :

  1. Techniques : Oral text
  2. Type : Oral responding

The method of scoring : The total maximal score is 100.

The column of scoring :
Bandar Lampung,………………

Head Master





Demikian postingan saya mengenai RPP bahasa Inggris untuk jenjang SMA, semoga sahabat SBI ( Study bahasa Inggris ) dapat menggunakannya… salam sukses selalu ^_^

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Artikel tentang Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 tahun 2020/-2021, SMA/SMK/MA/STM, lengkap soal PG – Essay kurikulum 2020 pelajaran IBI semester 1 dan 2.

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas , Bahasa inggris adalah suatu pelajaran yang terdapat di sekolahan tingkat menengah atsa SMA/SMK/MA/STM, negri dan swasta kelas 10, semester 1 – 2. dengan demikian lah kami akan memberikan Soal bahasa inggris Kelas 10 khusu tingkat SMA/SMK/MA/STM.

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/SMK/MA/STM Semester 1 & 2 PG dan Essay

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda:

I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

My sister … (1) to cook. … (2) I have a great idea for lunch every day. … (3) Cook oxtail soup for today. I invited my friends to our house to try this soup. … (4) liked it very much and told … (5) the sister opened a restaurant because she thought many people would like this soup and she would make a lot of money with … (6).


a. lvoe
b. love
c. full of love
d. love
e. interlacing

Answer: d


a. that
b. that
c. you
d. I
e. we

Answer: b


a. we
b. you
c. we
d. that
e. that

Answer: d


a. that
b. that
c. you
d. you
e. that

Answer: d


a. they
b. they
c. she is
d. I
e. From me

Answer: d


a. that
b. they
c. they
d. they
e. they

Answer: a

8. This dialog is for question No. 7-9

  • Lisa: Hi Sally, did you read the announcement?
  • Sally: About what?
  • Lisa: “Eric just sent me a text saying that you have passed the state exam.
  • Sally: Oh really?
  • Lisa: Yes, you can read the text yourself, here it is.
  • Sally: Wow, thanks for letting me know.
  • Lisa: Don’t say that. I … (7)
  • Sally: “… (8) for saying that.”
  • Lisa: … (9) Where will you continue your studies? “
  • Sally: I don’t know yet.

a. Congratulations on the conclusion
b. Congratulations on your performance
c. Sorry to hear that
d. IM very proud of you
e. so

Answer: d


a. no
b. Thank you very much
c. I am happy
d. I am very happy
e. I am very proud

Answer: b


a. well
b. You’re welcome
c. Of course
d. Yes i do
e. Good luck

Answer: b


What is – aroma – jasmine – white
What are the correct settings for the product above?

a. The scent of white jasmine that I have.
b. White jasmine is the aroma.
c. White jasmine is the aroma
d. This is the scent of white jasmine
e. The aroma of the white jasmine

Answer: a

12. How long does BBC World Service broadcast in English?
This will be sent …… hours a day.

a. 20
b. 24
c. 28
d. 26
e. 37

Answer: a

12. The program focuses on the latest news and events, but also includes music, science, sports and theater programs.
The word in the sentence refers to …

a. Buschhaus
b. The BBC
c. The program
d. London
e. News

Answer: c

13. BBC World Service has a program.

a. Science, music, advertising, commerce, drama
b. Music, science, sports, film, drama
c. Sports, drama, science, music
d. Music, advertising, commerce, music
e. Drama, culture, science, sports, music

Answer: e

14. World Services mainly deals with.

a. Science and drama
b. Drama and news
c. News and music
d. news and infidelity
e. Current affairs and music

Answer: d

14. Who came to Richard this morning.

a. Baker
b. Your husband
c. The poor
d. Electric man
e. His children

Answer: c

15. The man screamed and jumped a few steps because.

a. He was surprised to see someone coming
b. He was afraid to see something like a ghost
c. He was surprised to see Mr. Richards
d. He was mad at Mrs. Richards
e. He stopped reading the electricity meter

Answer: a

16. Where is Ms. Richards hiding.

a. In the kitchen
b. In the kitchen
c. In the bedroom
d. In front of the door
e. In the dining room

Answer: e

17. What type of text do the authors use.

a. Report
b. The procedure
c. history
d. descriptive
e. To inform

Answer: c

18. What is the text for.

a. Richards story of Ny
b. To describe a ghost under the stairs
c. To tell the story of a haunted house
d. To explain how Ms. daily activities are Richards
e. Richards provides information about Ms. Housework

Answer: a

19. Why is Nasreddin on the roof of his house.

a. He saw the sight
b. He was waiting for the old man
c. He repaired the roof
d. He is resting
e. He was upset with the old man

Answer: a

20. Who is the old man.

a. Nasreddin’s father
b. Nasreddin’s friend
c. the seller’s roof
d. Roof stylist
e. A beggar

Answer: d

21. Why and Nasreddin I to go down the stairs.

a. He wants to leave his job
b. Because beggars ask about it
c. He wants to talk to beggars
d. He wants to take the roof
e. He wants to go with this beggar

Soal listening kelas 11 semester 2 kls 8

Answer: b

22. The following sentence is based on text, except.

a. fixing tiles when someone
Call him
b. was satisfied with his work
c. Nasredin did not look down when the old man called
she is
d. The old man asked for some money
e. asked the beggars to go up the stairs

Answer: e

23. saw an come clothes standing under … (line 4). The antonym of the underlined word (DIRTY) is.

a. Bad
b. secure
c. clean
d. bright
e. well

Answer: a

24. Today is Wednesday. 3 days ago.

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Thursday
d. Friday
e. Sunday

Answer: b

25. A: Hello Jhon, how are you.

a. Hi
b. Hello, how are you
c. Hello, how are you
d. Hello, I’m fine
e. Hi, very good

Answer: c

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Contoh Soal Essay:

  1. Yes, I really work (no)
  2. World population … (increasing) very quickly.
  3. …. You (work) on a special project at work?
  4. Reni is Lenny’s opponent.
    Lenny is … Reny
    … will he come with us tonight?
  5. Create three sentences with surprising expressions!
  6. Have a dialogue to express distrust!
  7. Complete this sentence with a prize!
    Angela has just started night class. He … learn German.
  8. Give an answer!
    Gina: “Rara, would you like to watch the movie” When Love Glorifies “tonight?
    Rara: “….”
  9. Daddy wants to give Pasya a new bike because he has good grades in physics.
    Create a dialogue based on the statement above!
  10. Akram: “Will you always have a free dinner next week?”
    Naomi: Oh, thank you very much.
    The dialogue tells about … be careful

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Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

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