Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation Download
This document lists brief descriptions of current and older Microsoft FORTRAN compilers and tools for the PC, along with a brief list of features and notes. While you may find older versions of development tools in many places, links to the old/used programming tools sales pages of EMS Professional Software, this page's sponsor, are provided for your convenience. Version information on other Microsoft Products. Version information for software from other vendors. If you have technical questions, we recommend asking on the usenet newsgroup news:comp.lang.fortran
- Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation Download Full
- Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation 4.0 Download
- Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation Download Windows 10
Microsoft Fortran (FPSCDROM.EXE). It allows you to build and run Fortran programs of virtually any size with up to 4 GB of addressable RAM. Take advantage also of symmetric multiprocessing (on Windows NT), multi-threading, and preemptive multitasking. Visual Studio dev tools & services make app development easy for any platform & language. Try our Mac & Windows code editor, IDE, or Azure DevOps for free. FORTRAN Powerstation32 for NT - Development System for WindowsNT. White label on top of box reads: 'FORTRAN 1.0./NT (1.44MB)'. Includes five 1.44Mb diskettes labeled 'Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation 32 for Windows NT' and an optional 720K Numerical Recipes 2.01 diskette (0193 Part No. Microsoft fortran powerstation 32. Microsoft fortran powerstation 4.0 x86. Problem running intel visual fortran project release version in windows 7. Microsoft fortran powerstation 1.0, upgrade. For the first dropdown, choose x64. For the second dropdown, choose win32, meaning you ll copy the settings from win32. Select the checkbox called create. Microsoft Fortran PowerStation provides complete Fortran development environment for Windows NT (Intel) 32-bit platforms and integrates Fortran compiler technology with Microsoft's Developer Studio.
2.x (2.2 for Macintosh)
IMSL for 5.1
PowerStation 1.0®
PowerStation 1.0a
PowerStation32 for NT®
PowerStation for Windows95®
PowerStation 4.0 Standard®
PowerStation 4.0 Professional®
FORTRAN 2.2 for Apple Macintosh (buy it)
Product number 005096.220
Includes the following materials:
Retail box sleeve, 1185 Part No. 005-096-009
Two double density 3.5' diskettes. 005-096-001, 005096.220 and 005-096-003 S-194 005096.220 in license agreement envelope 0386 Part No. 999-999-811
Registration card 0387 Part No. 999-999-708
Update letter describing support for HFS, compilation of a list of files at once, and compiler diagnostic messages. © 1986, 005-096-013, Document number 690500011-220-R00-0686
Guide to MS languages for Macintosh, 0986 Part No. 000-096-040
Manual in three ring binder. Part Number 005-096-007, Document Number 690500003-210-R00-0685. Shows © by MS 1985, Absoft 83-85, and Apple 83-85

FORTRAN 3.31 (buy it)
MS Part number 005014.331

5.25' disks with S-335 and 005014.331 printed on them
FORTRAN 4.1 (buy it)
MS Part number for 5.25' disk version: 005-014V410.
Includes ten 360K disks and the following manuals:
Quick Reference Guide, 34 pages, Part No. 01656
User's Guide, Document No. 614500011-410-R00-0288, Part No. 01678, 507 pages plus 23 page update section.
Microsoft CodeView and Utilities, Microsoft Editor, Document No. 614010011-000-R00-0288, Part No. 01701, 401 pages plus 81 page update section, Editor section is 123 pages
Language Reference, Mixed-Language Programming Guide, Document No. 410500018-400-R10-0187, Part No. 01677, 374 pages/140 pages
FORTRAN 5.0 (buy it)
MS Part numbers:
Update Fortran 1.x/5.0, 5.25': 005-044V500.
Around 1989. Requires 320K/512K memory required/recommended. OS/2 1.1 or higher or MS-DOS 3.0 or higher. VAX and VS FORTRAN extensions. 13 5.25' diskettes. 3.5' disks were available from MS with order form included in box. Includes the following printed materials: Retail box sleeve rear labeled: 0489 Part No. 06586.
Getting Started, 34 pages, Document No. LN0821-500-R00-0289, 0389 Part No. 06386
Language Support Directory, 27 pages
Quick Reference, 59 pages, wire bound, Document No. LN0805-500-R00-0289, 0389 Part No. 06385
Advanced Topics, 301 pages, Document no. LN0828-500-R00-0289, 0389 Part No. 06384
Microsoft Editor User's Guide, 238 pages, Document no. LN0801B-500-R00-0889, 0689 Part No. 07823
Reference, 523 pages, Document no. LN0818-500-R00-0289, 0389 Part No.06383
Microsoft CodeView and Utilities User's Guide (version 2.3), 445 pages, 0789 Part No. 08348
Microsoft Source Profiler Performance Analysis Tool User's Guide, 110 pages, 0591 Part No. 19089 (included?)
FORTRAN 5.1 (buy it)
Part numbers:
FORTRAN 5.10 (3.5)AE: 005-445v510
FORTRAN 5.10 (3.5): 005-045V510
International old-style box with 5.25' disks: 'FORTRAN 5.10 NONUSA': 005-044AV510
FORTRAN 5.1 - produces 16-bit DOS exe. There are two packaging styles, an older, larger, blue and white box and a more modern white box with lots of color (newer style is pictured at left). Fortran 5.1 improvements over 5.0 are Windows 3.0 Support added through QuickWin, Extended FL Utility - several compiler options, including those for Windows Programs, IBM VS compatibility, Source Browser Information, and some other minor ones, BYTE Data Type added, New Functions and Subroutines: INTDOSQQ, INTDOSXQQ, MATHERRQQ, RAISEQQ, SIGNALQQ, and Heap Management for Mixed-Language Programming-may cause you to need to write your own malloc() with Microsoft C.
The newer style package includes the following manuals:
Box sleeve, 1193 Part No. 56349
Six 1.44MB disks and one 720KB disk. Disk 1/Setup labeled Disk Assy 005-045-066. Disk 2-6 appear same as old version. Disk 7 is a QuickWin Graphics Library disk on 720K media.
License Agreement, 0294 Part No. 57117
Registration cards, 0695 Part No 65772, SKU 005-045V510
Microsoft Support Network offer card, 0993 Part No. 55277
1.2MB, 360K, or 720K disk offer, 1093 Part No. 55460
Microsoft FORTRAN products card, Part No. 56477
Installing and Using the Professional Development System, 67 pages, 54742
Quick Reference Guide,133 pages, 54744 - or, 133 pages, 61874
Reference, 534 pages, 54735 - or, 534 pages, 61870
Environment & Tools, 666 pages, 54736 - or, 666 pages, 61871
Advanced Topics, 362 pages, 54738
QuickWin Graphics User's Guide, 41 pages, 54748 - or, 41 pages, 61875
The older style has 1.44MB disks with Disk 1/Setup Disk Assy 005-045-035, or 1.2MB 5.25' disks with Disk Assy 005-044-023 and has the following manuals:
Reference, 534 pages, 0491 Part No. 21013
Environment & Tools, 666 pages, 041 Part No. 21014
Advanced Topics, 362 pages, 0491 Part No. 17625
Installing and Using the Professional Development System, 67 pages, 0491 Part No. 17626
Quick Reference Guide (wire bound), 133 pages, 0491 Part No. 17627
QuickWin Graphics User's Guide, 41 pages, 0392 Part No. 30191
Academic Priced edition
Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation Download Full
IMSL for 5.1
FORTRAN Powerstation 1.0 for Windows and DOS (buy it)
MS Part numbers:
Academic 1.44: 250-351V100
UPGRADE FORTRAN PWRSTN1.0(1.44M)RSL: 250-051-050
FORTRAN POWERSTATION: 250-051V100 (US edition)
???: 250-051-100A (this is an international version)
1.00 version is probably dated 2-9-1993, with Disc Assy 250-051-010
1.00a version may be Disc Assy 250-051-026
FORTRAN Powerstation 1.0 for Windows and DOS - produces 32-bit DOS extended exe. Includes the following materials: Three 1.44MB disks with disc 1 marked Disc Assy 250-051-010. One Numerical Recipes disk.
Printed materials:
Retail box rear lower left labeled 0293 Part no. 38187.
Registration card 0792 PN 35780, with product number 250-051V100 printed in lower right
Quick Reference card, Document No. DB51256-0293, *51256 *
License card: Printed 'FORTRAN POWERSTATION 1.00 (1.44MB)' and 'Proof of License'
Numerical Recipes product offer
Inside Microsoft, Developer Resource Telephone Directory booklet, 0892 Part No. 098-36865
720K disk order form, 0293 Part No. 38039
Getting Started, Document No. DB38032-0293, 37 pages, *38032 *
Error Messages, Document No. DB50603-0293, 102 pages, *50603 *
User's Guide, Document No. DB 38034-0293, 375 pages, *38034 *
FORTRAN Powerstation 1.0a for Windows and DOS - readme.txt file on disk 1 states that this is version 1.0a. File is dated 2/8/94 12:00am. Includes three 1.44MB diskettes (Disk #1 Assy 250-051-027) or seven 720K diskettes (Disk #1 Assy 250-051-029) plus the following materials:
Software License card, 0992 Part No. 36543, or 0294 Part No. 57117
(in later versions) License Addendum 0793 Part No. 53486
Inside Microsoft Developer Resource Telephone Directory, 0892 Part no. 098-36865
Microsoft Support Network card, 0993 Part No. 55277
Quick Reference card, bar code labeled *51256*
(Was a Numerical Recipes Software diskette, Special version 2.01, 0193 Part No. 39256, bundled with this?)
Numerical Recipes book offer, #39259
Error Messages, 102 pages, bar code labeled *50603*
Getting Started, 37 pages, Document No. DB38032-0293, rear cover bar code labeled *38032*
User's Guide, 375 pages, Document No. DB 38034-0293, rear cover bar code labeled *38034*
Language Guide, 557 pages, Document No. DB38033-0293, rear cover bar code labeled *38033*

FORTRAN Powerstation32 for NT - Development System for WindowsNT. White label on top of box reads: 'FORTRAN 1.0*/NT (1.44MB)'. Includes five 1.44Mb diskettes labeled 'Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation 32 for Windows NT' and an optional 720K Numerical Recipes 2.01 diskette (0193 Part No. 39256). Box rear shows '1093 Part No. 54011'. Includes the following printed materials:
20% discount offer for Cambridge University Press books and software
Microsoft FORTRAN Product line card, Part No. 56477
Amendment to License Card, 0793 Part No. 53486
License Agreement, inkjet printed 'MICROSOFT® FORTRAN POWERSTATION 32 VERSION 1.00 FRO WINDOWS NT™, 0294 Part No. 57117
Quick Reference, trifold card, Barcode labeled 54013.
Programmer's Guide, 851 pages, Barcode labeled 54012
FORTRAN PowerStation for Windows95. Is this the same as PowerStation 4.0? I don't know. 13 1.44MB diskettes are labeled: Microsoft Fortran, PowerStation, Windows 95 Series. Disk Assy. 250-054-023 (for disk 1).
IMSL for PowerStation
IMSL 2.00/WIN 32BIT (3.5): 292-154V200
Purple diamond in upper right corner of box
Fortran PowerStation 4.0 (buy it)
MS Part numbers:
Standard: 250-056-001 (?)
FORTRAN PWRSTN 4.00 PRO (CDROM): 2501056V400
FORTRAN Powerstation 4.0, Standard Edition (buy it)
Produces 32-bit Win32 exe. MS part number for CD version is 250-056V400. CD face reads: © 1982-1995, Version 4.0, Disc Assy. 250-056-002, 0895 Part no. 64669. Setup.ini dated 10/5/95 8:22:32pm. CD inner ring reads RL0009933-01. Jewel case rear insert 0895 Part No. 64668, bar code label 64668. Printed materials include:
License card, 0995 Part No. 67497
3.5' High-Density Disk Offer
Registration cards, US and Canada, SKU 250-356V400, 0995 Part No. 67821
Quick Reference card, Document No. DB54013-1093, bar code label 64083
Getting Started, 48 pages, Document No. DD64086-0995, rear bar code label 64086
Programmer's Guide, 752 pages, Document No. DD64081-0995, rear bar code label 64081
Reference, 615 pages, Document No. DD64082-0995, rear bar code label 64082
FORTRAN Powerstation 4.0, Standard Edition version upgrade (buy it)
Microsoft Developer Studio Fortran Powerstation 4.0 Download
(MS part number: 250-056-325) - May search your hard disk and/or floppy drive to confirm your eligibility for this special upgrade edition. To be eligible, you must be a licensed user of one of the following products: MS Fortran 5.1 or earlier, MS Fortran PowerStation for MS-DOS/Windows or Windows NT, Visual Basic 4.0, or Visual C++ 4.0. CD face reads: © 1982-1995, Version 4.0, Disc Assy. 250-056-002, 0895 Part no. 64669. Volume label FPS400STD. Setup.ini dated 10/5/95 8:22:32pm. CD inner ring reads RL0009933-01. Integrated 32-bit development environment. Full support of Fortran 90. Full NIST validation. Requires 386 or higher processor running Windows95 or higher or NT 3.51 or higher. 8MB or RAM for Windows95, 12MB for NT. 50 MB disk space (100MB for full install).
Printed materials:
Retail box sleeve, left rear labeled '0995 Part No. 64080'. Label on top of box reads: '250-056-325, UPGRADE FORTRAN PWRSTN 4.0 VUP CDRM'
License Agreement diskette envelope, 0389 Part No. 06536
Registration card, 0995 Part No. 67821
License card, 0995 Part No. 67497 'Microsoft FORTRAN Powerstation version 4.00, Standard Edition, Licenses: 1'
3.5' diskette order form, 0895 Part No. 67802
Quick Reference, Document no. DB54013-1093, 64083
Getting Started, 48 pages, Document No. DD64086-0995, 64086
Reference, 615 pages, Document DD64082-0995, 64082
Programmer's Guide, 752 pages, Document DD64081-0995, 64081
FORTRAN PowerStation 4.0, Professional Edition. (buy it)
Adds Microsoft IMSL libraries, with nearly 1,000 mainframe-class mathematical and statistical functions for PCs. CD marked Disc Assy. 250-056-004, 0895 Part No. 65835. Hub ring RF009934-001 520-029-004, or RL0009934-01. Jewel case rear insert marked 0895 Part no. 65838.
Features: Full support for Fortran 90. Full NIST validation. IMSL libraries. Create and run programs using up to 4GB of addressable memory on 486 and Pentium based computers. Port legacy applications with extensions for IBM, DEC VAX, and Cray computers, with little or no modification. Includes MS Developer Studio, the integrated environment with debugger, resource editor, browser, profiler, and project manager.
Requires: 386 or higher processor, Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later. 8MB/12MB of memory required for Windows95/NT. 80MB/130MB disk space for typical/full installation. VGA graphics card.
Includes the following printed materials:
Retail box sleeve, 0995 Part No. 65822
Registration cards (US and Canadian) 0995 Part No. 67821
Visual Numerics IMSL license addendum letter, Part No. 58234
Visual Numerics IMSL registration and manual order card, Part No. 59193
End-User License Agreement card, 'MICROSOFT FORTRAN, POWERSTATION, VERSION 4.00, PROFESSIONAL EDITION, LICENSES: 1'. License card 0995 Part No. 67497. Note! The academic, upgrade, and full retail license agreement cards appear identical. AE version has sticker on box (peelable) and 'AE' on box top label.
Quick Reference, Document no. DB54013-1093, 64083
Getting Started, 48 pages, Document No. DD64086-0995, 64086
Reference, 615 pages, Document DD64082-0995, 64082
Programmer's Guide, 752 pages, Document DD64081-0995, 64081
Marketing text:
A complete and powerful Fortran system. · 32-bit Fortran at your fingertips: Develop applications with a choice of powerful 32-bit environments: Windows 95 or Windows NT. · More resources on the desktop: Build and run Fortran programs of virtually any size with up to 4 GB of addressable RAM. Take advantage also of symmetric multiprocessing (on Windows NT), multi-threading, and preemptive multitasking. · High performance computing: Includes advanced 486- and Pentium-based optimizations for faster compile, link, and execution. · Full-featured Fortran: Tap into full support of ANSI/ISO Fortran 90 such as free form source, declaration syntax, array handling enhancements, and data structures. ANSI-F77 certified compiler validated by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) is included. · Powerful Microsoft technologies: Support for the largest installed base of Fortran users on desktop computers, with a dedication to providing the tools and knowledge to help people build great solutions. Why reinvent the application? Use the code you already have. · Easy code migration: Choose from extensions for IBM, DEC VAXTM to port legacy Fortran code to desktop PCs with little or no modification. · 16-bit-to-32-bit migration: Move MS-DOS-based Fortran code to 32-bit Windows with full backward compatibility. A development environment designed to boost performance: yours. · Streamline programming: Features Developer Studio, the only integrated development environment for Fortran that consolidates all your tools for easier programming --editor, debugger, browser, profiler, project manager --all fully supporting the graphical power of Windows 95 and Windows NT. · Mixed-language programming: Create advanced applications and dynamic-link libraries for Windows using Fortran, C, and C++ development tools, and compile it all under the same environment. · Timesaving debugging: DataTips enables you to debug faster by quickly showing you the variables definition. And you can call up the debugger instantly and only when you need it. · Step-saving browsing: The browser is fully integrated in Developer Studio so you never have to leave your development environment. · Intelligent compiling: The minimal rebuild technology of Fortran PowerStation compiles only the files that have changed. · Context-sensitive online Help: Get up to speed in no time with complete online, cross-referenced documentation. Includes a bound set of documentation for those who like paper references, too. · Interoperability with multiple tools: Create programs using other tools with Fortran, including the Microsoft Visual Basic development system and Microsoft Office for Windows 95. Save time with IMSL libraries for the PC. · Based on proven IMSL libraries from larger systems written by professional mathematicians and statisticians, and applicable to a variety of scientific, engineering, and financial uses. · Precoded routines and well-defined interfaces enable fast development, code reuse, and easy program maintenance. · State-of-the-art algorithms reflect new research and provide solutions for thousands of mission-critical programs. · IMSL libraries are seamlessly integrated with Fortran PowerStation and can be called from the Microsoft Visual C++ development system in mixed-language environments. · Familiar IMSL libraries can plug into legacy Fortran code, with calls automatically answered. · IMSL libraries are included in Fortran PowerStation, Professional Edition to deliver more analytical power for the price compared to mainframe, minicomputer, and workstation platforms. Inside Microsoft Fortran PowerStation (Professional and Standard Editions) Powerful Fortran platform · 32-bit platforms: Windows 95 and Windows NT · Up to 4 GB of addressable memory · Symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) (on Windows NT), multithreading, and multitasking · Advanced 486- and Pentium-based optimization Portable code migration · Fortran extensions to IBM, DEC, and Cray systems · Backward compatibility to 16-bit Fortran code Productive programming · Completely integrated development environment with editor, debugger, browser, profiler, project manager · Helpful debugging tools such as DataTips · Minimal compiling rebuilds · Mixed languages programming with Microsoft Visual C++ within the same development environment · Interoperability with Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Office for Windows 95 · Full support of Fortran 90 (inclusive of Fortran 77) · ANSI-F77 certified complier, validated by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) · Context-sensitive online Help · Mainframe-class IMSL libraries (Professional Edition only) Specifications ·
Windows, FORTRAN PowerStation and other terms on this page are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.